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2-Day Forrest Yoga Immersion: Hone Skills to Unravel your Emotional Blockages with Ilias Kousis, Forrest Yoga Guardian

  • Ilias Kousis Yoga 8 Marstrandgata Oslo, 0566 Norway (map)

Date: Saturday & Sunday, March 18-19th, 2023

Time: 9:00–11:30 and 13:00–16:00

Place: Rom for dans, Marstrandgata 8, 0566 Oslo (Entrance from: Stockholmgata). Please, meet up at least 15 min earlier if you have never been to that location before. Our room is called “Lille Produksjonsrom”

Price: 2000 NOK

Description: It is a sad fact that our people nowadays suffer from excess stress and fear poisoning, which leads in poor decision-making and lack of discipline and motivation for living passionately. All this causes a deterioration of their physical and mental well-being. Blaming this on external factors and going into victim mode is not providing a solution to this problem. It is a change of attitude that can bring inner peace and a shift in perspective so that we see opportunities everywhere we look.

In this immersion, you will be offered tools to educate yourself on how to connect deeper to your body and how to use feeling to quest for answers from your authentic self. You will explore your creative fire to begin building stronger discipline to achieve the changes you most desire. That is what I call power!

In the morning sessions, you will be taken through Ceremony and intense physical practice, which will help you disperse the numbness around your physical and emotional blockages. The intelligently sequenced classes will help you deeper understand your physical and emotional pain and injuries and embark on your healing journey. In the afternoon sessions, you will experience vision questing and emotional processes that will help you discern what is Truth of your Spirit versus what is the voice of your fear – which by the way, has various sneaky, poisonous forms.

8:30-11:00 Morning Intensive: You will be guided through a Native American-inspired ceremony called Four Directions, which will create a sacred space, clear your mind and set the foundation for increased focus on whatever we will be working on that day. You will be educated on how to go deeper into feeling, scan your body and identify emotional blocks. Physical injuries are very often connected to emotional backlog. You will receive tools that you can use to begin dissolving your emotional scar tissue.

13:00-16:00 Afternoon session: You will be taken through emotional processing and vision quest exercises.

Who is this Immersion for: All level practitioners, who wish to deepen their practice on physical, emotional and spiritual level. Pregnant women and individuals with any kind of injury are welcome to participate. Inform me in advance.

You will need pen and notebook for all sessions.For any questions on the content of this immersion, contact Ilias directly at


  • Yoga mat

  • Block

  • Strap

  • Rolled up towel or blanket

Rom for dans is a dance studio and does not offer yoga equipment.

To register, either click on the link below and scroll all the way down or you can vipps me at 46119757.