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Forrest Yoga Workshops in Heidelberg

  • Ilias Kousis Yoga 18 Lutherstraße Heidelberg, BW, 69120 Germany (map)

Walk in Beauty Workshops

Date: Saturday and Sunday, October 8-9th, 2022

Time: 9:00–11:30 am

Price: 550kr for one workshop, 850kr for two workshops

You NEED to bring your own Yoga mat and props: large bath towel to roll it up, strap, block.

Description: In Forrest Yoga we emphasise in using asana, deep breathing and ceremony to dive more into feeling and connect to our deeper, authentic parts of ourselves. Many of our people today live in a superficial state of being and suffer from stress, physical and emotional pain as well as disconnection from Spirit.

Based on my current interpretation – I am changing views as I am walking through life– spirituality is a result of strong, uninterrupted focus towards within. That is when we break free from our habitual ways of thinking and limitations we put on ourselves and go beyond the noise and the lies of our conditioned mind. Beyond the manifestations of fear, such as “I can’t, I am not good enough, flexible enough, I don't deserve to be loved etc.” you name your nemesis thought. These deeply ingrained, fixed ideas we have about ourselves sneak into our lives through traumatic experiences of either low or high degree of intensity. When someone at school tells we are fat or ugly, or our crush rejects in a belittling way. When our parents burden us with their own insecurities and tell us we are not as clever as the neighbours child. When we have been publicly ashamed for an action we took at one event and that reputation haunts ever since. And so on.

Such ideas root deep within our unconscious mind and body and deviously affect our life decisions and actions. Who feels they are worthy of love when the person they desired the most broke their wide-open, vulnerable heart? Who feels they can open to trust someone intimately, when the ones closest to them earlier in life who they trusted the most, abused them physically or emotional or in any other way? Victims of such abusive situations are conditioned to believe that love come at a cost: pain and suffering.

You are getting my point by now.

The good news is that nothing is final. Our brain has been proven even by science that is able to create new neurological networks – neuroplasticity. The even better news are that Forrest Yoga is designed to help the practitioner build new neurons. And it does that in the whole body, not just the brain. Because the brain stores those emotions into the body at the time of the trauma and therefore a more holistic cleansing is more effective.

What I am telling you is: You can heal out of anything, as long as you wish to dedicate yourself fully to the healing process.

In this 2-day workshop you will be guided through a deep, intense physical practice that will trigger your old conditioned beliefs and give you the change to rewire your brain so that you can sense your own Beauty that has been hiding under your emotional backlog. Come and join me for a juicy, safe and revitalising Forrest Yoga practice and Ceremony. It will be an all-level practice, as I will be offering variations appropriate for all beginners, intermediate and advanced practitioners.

Please inform me about pregnancy, injuries or anything else I should know via email well in advance before the event. Here is my email:

To register click here and scroll all the way down.

Looking forward to creating Beauty together with you,