What people say…


Portugal Retreat 2023

“Måten yoga retreatet har påvirket meg i etterkant av oppholdet er at jeg har blitt flinkere og mer bevisst på at jeg må leve i nuet. Spesielt de to meditasjonene “ Death meditation” og “wiser self-meditation” var veldig effektive for å få det til. De har bidratt til at jeg har sluttet å sette begrensninger for meg selv her og nå, noe jeg tidligere har gjort ved å utsette ting fordi jeg tror jeg ikke har vært klar eller god nok sånn som jeg er nå. Jeg har hele tiden tenkt at jeg må vente til jeg er mer klar, eller har endret meg til noe bedre og “gått ned de siste to kiloene”.

De to meditasjonene fikk meg virkelig til å endre tankegangen min. Venner og familie har merket en stor forandring med at jeg nå plutselig gjennomfører ting de har anbefalt for meg og ønsket at jeg skulle gjøre, men som jeg hele tiden har utsatt og sagt jeg ikke har vært klar for. Mange har sagt at de er veldig stolte av meg, fordi etterhvert så begynte folk å tvile på at jeg noen gang kom til å gjøre det jeg nå har begynt med.

Den største barrieren jeg har brutt har vært det at jeg endelig har lastet ned dating-apper og blitt åpen for å gå på date med folk. Tidligere har jeg hele tiden tenkt at folk ikke vil like meg sånn som jeg er nå, så derfor har jeg tenkt at det ikke var vits i å la folk bli kjent med meg på den måten. Men nå etter retreatet i Portugal så har jeg vært på flere dates og åpnet meg mer opp for folk! Jeg har ikke funnet den perfekte matchen enda, men jeg har endelig klart å ta et stort skritt på veien mot det.

Jeg er helt sikker på at den fine gjengen og innholdet på ettermiddagstimene på Vale de Moses var med på å forsterke troen min på meg selv og gjorde meg klar for å bryte det som har vært en veldig stor barriere for meg!”

“I've been practicing with Ilias for more than 1.5 years now, and his classes, immersions and retreats have made a huge difference in my personal development during this time.

I have fixed my knee, which used to swell up and need hospital treatment 1-2 times each year. I no longer experience back pain and a stiff neck. More importantly, I have a significant decrease in feelings of fear, negative self-talk, stress and overwhelm. And when these feelings come, they don't take as much space as they used to. I know they will pass.

I feel really strong! I enjoy life more. I'm grateful for my health. I'm grateful for the people around me. I'm grateful for my kids. I'm grateful for my job. And I dare to live bigger, especially after going deep in Ilias' Forrest Yoga and Energy Healing retreat in Portugal summer of 2023. Right now I feel amazing, I'm expecting my fourth child (a baby I've wanted for a long time, but didn't really dare to go for), and have just started a new challenging and rewarding job (which I never thought myself capable of a few years ago).

I thank Ilias for the part he has had in this journey! And I'm also at a point now where I can take credit for myself, and say that I am very proud of the consistent deep work I have put in.



Portugal Retreat 2023

“What I especially love about your classes is the number of poses you offer, the variety within the patterns and the sequencing. The precision of your instructions - it is as if you could see me from across the room with your back turned to me. The enthusiasm you bring to every class. Then, of course, there is your unique mix of poetic phrases and swearing, which touch me and make me laugh. The one thing you don’t like is sloppyness on the mat - or in life. The one reflects the other. I have taken the message to heart.

Your teachings have - among many other things - liberated my 65 years old shoulderblades. They are now dancing joyfully on my back. I know there is more to come.”


Regular student in group classes, immersions and privates

“I needed to take some time for myself in a peaceful environment, and I discovered Ilias’s retreat at Vale Moses in Portugal. Something clicked right away, and I was really happy to see that my intuition was on point once I joined Ilias, his wife, and the fellow yogis in Portugal.

Ilias is very passionate about his work and super kind at heart. He pushes us, while accomodating many variations to respect our limits. The week has been a great opportunity to recover, rest, and progress and the benefits have lasted for much longer than the week itself!

Looking forward to join for other retreats and events!”


Portugal Retreat 2023


Forrest Yoga Foundation Teacher Training in Oslo with Charlie and Ilias, 2022-2023

“I think you pulled this course together in a very good way. You cooperate really well, as if you've been doing this a lot of times. You know I'm not into singing, and not so much into the ceremony-part, but I almost feel that you respect that.”


Forrest Yoga Foundation Teacher Training in Oslo with Charlie and Ilias, 2022-2023

“Thank you for all your sincere support (and pushing) and for being wise and open to see when to do what. I think, and feel, that you have been bringing us safely through this deep journey. It’s been joyful to see how respectfully you work together. I am so grateful for all your care and support🙏🏽♥️”

"You have been so inspiring, thank you for seeing us as individuals with our needs & boundaries… Your deep knowledge has given me a big trust in you and the things that you have been teaching. Your wisdom & clear minds have been so helpful. Thank you also for sharing your story and personal things. Big hugs. This will be in my heart and life forever!"


Forrest Yoga Foundation Teacher Training in Oslo with Charlie and Ilias, 2022-2023

“When I see both of you, what comes to mind is the meaning of the Sacred Feminine & Sacred Masculine. You have done a POWERFUL — AMAZING job with us all. Great team! This Forrest Yoga Teacher Training has changed my way of seeing my life and myself. You both have given me the necessary healing tools to feel -finally after 3 teacher trainings- confident with myself to go out and share this beautiful medicine called yoga. THANK YOU SO MUCH. Looking forward to all that is coming. Aho!"


Forrest Yoga Foundation Teacher Training in Oslo with Charlie and Ilias, 2022-2023

I felt like the whole training was like a well-thought through theatre play or opera, but that it was in real life! In the middle I was confused, but in the end you see how everything has its inner logic. The two of you, Charlie & Ilias, have literally been magicians as directors of this opera!"


Forrest Yoga Foundation Teacher Training in Oslo with Charlie and Ilias, 2022-2023

Dear Charlias (Charlie & Ilias :D)

Thank you! I am so grateful that your paths crossed and you took the challenge of offering a FYFTT. Your energies were complimentary in such a beautiful way of teaching. You knew when to “push us” gently, but also supported us & rewarded us with so many gifts. On a more “brainy” note, the teaching was well structured and gave me a lot of trust in the challenging process we were going through! You were extremely well-organised, well-prepared and taught us in such a beautiful way. You guys clearly know what you’re talking about! Thank you for teaching me how to love myself and be myself with ease."


Forrest Yoga Foundation Teacher Training in Oslo with Charlie and Ilias, 2022-2023

"Ilias: You fucking nailed it! You kept me in the game when I was about to leave. You are a truly inspirational teacher.

Charlie: I love your way of teaching and touching (hands on assists).

You have both given me so much healing through this course."


Forrest Yoga Foundation Teacher Training in Oslo with Charlie and Ilias, 2022-2023

“Ilias sees every single person in the yoga class and pushes every individual in the way they need it. He is always present for us and brings healing to those who are willing and ready. Honest, motivational and leads by example.”


Portugal Retreat 2023

“Grateful for having met you at a divine timing, it has helped me a lot. You are truly a shining light that the world and the humanity needs.”


Regular student in classes and immersions

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